
Moshword was just an idea in the beginning. Never thought I would execute it just like most of the ideas, but here we are.

A good health plan is only as good as your knowledge about it. Their’s Thousands of bytes of data about health that’s too much information. Moshword tries to keep it simple just like your gym spot bro.

Doesn’t matter what your health goal is?

  • Getting that beach body.
  • Losing weight.
  • Getting muscle mobility.
  • Eating Healthy

About the Author

Hello!!! My name is “Mohit Sharma” I’m into fitness with an appetite of a cow. Eating and staying fit is like two south pole magnets that keep repelling each other.

Here’s what happened to me, I started working out when I was 18 years old, so it went like this… went to the Gym started working out, nobody told me what I was doing wrong… Kept doing it and BOOM!!! No result.

Took me a long time to figure out that I made many mistakes along the way and I started correcting myself.

There are many like me so the goal is to help them avoid these mistakes.

I have been spending most of the time working out, thinking about working out, learning about things. I have done weight management study from Emory University. I do practice calisthenics, yoga, and weight lifting & Everything I write comes from my personal experience and knowledge.


Visitors who use this Site and rely on any kind of information do so at their own risk.

The information provided on this website is intended for general consumer understanding and for entertainment purposes only.  The information provided is not intended to be a replacement for any professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. As health and nutrition research continuously evolves, we do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of any information presented on this website.