Easy Japanese technique for relaxation in 5 minutes

japanese technique for relaxation

Despite our daily efforts to get more work done in our day-to-day life the amount of stress doesn’t seem to go away. Surely, vacation and other physical activities help you get rid of the stress and relax. More than average people don’t have the luxury to go on vacation or have enough energy left to engage in other physical activities after busting their asses off at work.

This Japanese technique for relaxation that I’m talking about will not take more than 5 minutes of your day and after that 5-minute exercise, you will notice some positive changes.

Ignoring stress can give rise to many health-related issues such as heart attack, blood pressure, diabetes, depression, and many others that can anyone can easily notice such as acne and hair fall problems. Other than that it can also have an effect on your self-esteem, you won’t be able to relax. I think all these negative reasons are enough to tell you that you shouldn’t ignore stress.

The normal level of stress that we carry with us daily is okay but excess of anything is never good. So what is this Japanese technique for relaxation?

Jin shin jyutsu

This Japanese technique for relaxation is also known as “jin shin jyutsu”. Jin shin jyutsu physio-philosophy is an art of harmonizing the life energy in the body. Born of innate wisdom and passed down from generation to generation by word of mouth.

It was rediscovered by Master Jiro Murai after gaining some popularity his student brought this Japanese technique of relaxation to the world. This technique taps into non-tangible things to heal ourselves from stress, anger, and other such emotion. Jin shin jyutsu focus’s on bring the flow of energy in our body also known as ‘chi’ and bringing chi to harmonized state when we touch or rub the gently specific areas.

In some research’s it showed that people who performed this exercise for a month have show significant change like calm, motivated, humble and there was decrease in anger, depression, and stress.

How to do jin shin jyutsu?

As we heal our body through natural energy we don’t have to worry about the place we practice or the equipment needed you can do this Japanese technique for relaxation anywhere you like it can be in between meetings or when you are attending a lecture.

Jin shin jyutsu is pretty easy to do. It’s a simple type of acupressure you only need to devote 3 to 5 minutes of your time to get relaxed and bust some stress.

To do this exercise first you need to understand that each finger of you hand represents a different emotion/feeling.

Japanese technique for relaxation
Jin shin jyutsu

Thumb – It helps you combat emotions such as anxiety and worry.

Index finger – It will represent fear.

Middle finger – It will help you tackle emotions such as anger and resentment.

Ring finger – It will help you fight the sadness, and depression. It will also help you to be more decisive.

Pinkie finger – It will give you a boost of confidence and increases optimism. It represents self-respect.

Palm – Overall happiness

Now let get to know how this unusual exercise works…

Simply grasp the finger with your opposite hand and make sure to wrap all the fingers and thumb around it and breathe gently. Now we will hold each finger for just 1 or 2 minutes you will know this exercise is working when you start to feel the pulsating sensation.

If you want to calm your mind. It’s a simple trick just gently press in the center of your palm with the thumb of your opposite hand and hold it for at least 1 to 2 minutes. It will help you get rid of your stress and will give a sense of peace of mind that’s what we all need in our daily hectic life.


Practicing this Japanese technique for relaxation every day will help you establish peace and balance within yourself. Just don’t rely on this only method to burst your stress there are many other ways to cope up with stress such as exercising, waking up early to meditate, and yoga. Many other breathing techniques too.

Your daily healthy habits can also help you deal with stress and anxiety. Let me the positive changes brought in your life by this exercise.