Best 6 Hip labral tear exercises for pain relief

Hip labral tear exercises

If you’re feeling pain in your lower back or in your groin area this may be due to a hip labral tear in the right or the left side, doesn’t matter if you’re a young or aged person a hip labral tear can be a big and painful problem for a person that sits for long hours. You can do some hip labral tear exercises to ease of your pain while some condition requires surgery.

What is a hip labral tear?

A hip labral tear is when the cartilage that is surrounding your hip joints called the labrum gets injured. The labrum is surrounded by firm, flexible connective tissues that act as a cushion for your joint socket. The purpose of this cushion is to act as a seal to keep your joints in their sockets also absorb shocks and distribute the pressure while providing stability to your hip joint. A hip labral tear often happens due to repetitive athletic movements done such as running, football, or any other physical activity that involves twists and turns.

Symptoms of hip labral tear

Unlike other health conditions, symptoms of a hip labral tear are easy to notice but you may even have a hip labral tear and won’t even know it but pain makes it easy for you to notice. You will often feel unwanted stress and pain even while doing simple movements like walking, sitting, or even twisting your back.

Hip labral tear symptoms include

  • Pain in hips and groin
  • Feeling pain in the hip at the end range
  • Having a stiff hip
  • Weakening of muscles around your hip
  • Instability in hips
  • Locking of your joints after sitting for long hours
  • A decline in your athletic ability
  • Sharp pain at some specific movements

These symptoms may come to your notice suddenly otherwise this will happen due to the declining health of your hip joints.

If you’re not sure about the hip labral tear then the most accurate way to determine would be MRA (magnetic resonance angiography) it is a type of MRI that will specifically look at your blood vessels. X-rays can also help to look at your bones, which might be the case of your hip labral tear.

What is the cause of hip labral tear?

A hip labral tear can be caused due to various reasons one of them is over-working them, hyperextension of the hip, external rotation, or twisting movement that is involved in most sports, and doing those movements repeatedly can put stress on your hip joints. A simple example of the cause of labral tear would be running for a long distance with proper stretching and training.

In some medical research, it was found that the abnormal structure and the shape of the labrum, head of the femur, and cotyloid cavity (The cup-shaped socket of the hip joint) may also lead you to this medical condition. If these abnormal structures and shapes s left unchecked over a period of time it can get worse.

It’s not all bad news there are some hip labral tear exercises that have proven that they can reconstruct or repair your hip joints, while also improving the level of your hip function and providing you relief from the hip labral tear pain.

Hip labral tear exercises

I have said this many times feeling mild tension while doing these hip labral tear exercises is ok but if you’re experiencing pain you should avoid doing them and get checked by your doctor. Doing these hip labral tear exercises will be providing you support by reducing your pain, strengthening the muscles around the hip.

The goal of doing these hip labral tear exercises is to reduce the pain that you feel in your tight muscle located at the front of your hip by stretching while also getting rid of muscle instability and which will be helpful to you improve your hip function.

  1. Single leg bridge

This exercise will target your glutes and improve your body balance. You may have seen people doing this exercise in your gym but this simple exercise is also used to treat hip labral tear.

  • Start by laying flat on your back and position your one foot with a shoulder-width gap into the ground
  • Keep your other leg fully extended, now engage your core and glutes. This will be your starting position.
  • Press your other feet into the ground and push your hips towards the ceiling as far as you can.
  • Squeeze your glutes and hold this position for at least 2 to 3 seconds.
  • Return back the starting position.
  • Do at least 5 to 10 reps for each leg.

2. Dead bug

Dead bug

The dead bug will be targeting your core and spine erectors. Performing dead bugs is an easy task because it won’t involve flexing of muscles.

  • Lie down on the mat or ground with your arms extended straight over your chest so they form a perpendicular angle. Bend your hips and bring your knees forming 90-degrees, lifting your feet from the ground. This will be your starting position
  • Engage your core, do not lift your lower back keep maintaining contact between your lower back and the ground. You have to make sure your that your spine maintains this steady and neutral position throughout the exercise.
  • Keep your right arm and left leg exactly where they are, then slowly descend your left arm backward, over your head and toward the floor while simultaneously extending your right knee, making your right heel reaching towards the floor.
  • Move slowly and steadily, breathing in as you extend, do avoiding any twisting, turning or any movement of your hips and abs. Stop the movement just before your arm and leg touch the ground.
  • Return your left arm and right leg together to their starting positions. Move slowly and steadily, exhaling as you get back.
  • Perform this same movements to the opposite sides, this time, exactly the opposite movement from previous keeping your left arm and right leg steady as you extend your right arm and left leg.
  • Do the exact same number of repetitions on each side.

3. Side plank

Side plank

Side plank will be targeting your obliques and core muscles that are running along with your obliques. It will protect your spine from injuries while improving your body balance.

  • First find a soft surface to place your elbow otherwise you will be hurting yourself.
  • Lie down on your right side with your legs extended straight, and your feet stacked on top of each other.
  • Place your right elbow directly under your right shoulder with your forearm resting on the ground, and pointing away from you and make a fist with your hand or don’t.. your choice.
  • With your spine in neutral position, breathe out and contract your core.
  • Lift your hips off the ground so that you’re supporting your weight on your elbow and the side of your right foot. Your body will fall in a straight line starting from top to bottom.
  • Your top arm will be straight, pointing towards the sky.
  • Drop your hips until you hips touch the ground or get’s close to the ground, return to the starting position.
  • Do 10 to 15 repetition of this.
  • Repeat on your left side.

4. Squats

Squats will be targeting the lower section of your body meaning muscles like glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, and hip flexors.

  • Stand straight with your feet positioned at a shoulder-width gap. This is your starting position.
  • Slowly start lowering your body by keeping a slight arch in the back, imagine you’re sitting on a chair.
  • Keep lowering till your hip is lower or at the same level as your knees.
  • Now return to the starting position.

5. Standing hip abduction

This exercise will help you target your hip abductor, these muscles are ignored but they are an important muscle because they help you with walking, standing, and rotating your leg. If you have a resistance band, this exercise will be more effective.

  • Start by wrapping both legs with a single resistance band at the ankles.
  • Stand with your back straight with your legs positioned shoulder-width apart.
  • Try lifting your left leg as much as you can in the lateral direction, while balancing your body on right.
  • Take a pause and return to the starting position.
  • Do at least 6 to 8 reps for each leg.

6. Balancing on leg

This exercise will help you get rid of body instability that you’re suffering from and it is pretty easy to do and fun because it won’t be hard on your muscles.

  • Stand on one foot with your back and balancing leg straight.
  • Now try balancing your body for at least 20 seconds without breaking the posture.
  • Repeat the same movement for the other leg.

If you’re having trouble balancing try supporting yourself by holding and stationary structure with one hand or better one finger.


For hip labral tear, you don’t have to worry about getting surgery, 2 to 3 months of physical therapy (hip labral tear exercises) and stretching will help you recover and it will bring you back to the same physical level of health that you had but if its something serious like a tear is larger than expected than you might need arthroscopic surgery. After the surgery, it will take up to 14 weeks to recover.

Final words

If doing hip labral tear exercises is not helping you in improving your condition then, you should get in touch with your doctor. After recovery, it’s necessary to strengthen and stretch your lower body so that your muscles can get stronger that will help you avoid injuries in the future.


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