Wall slides – How to, benefits, 2 mistakes to avoid

wall slides

Our daily work culture demands us to sit in front of the screen if you’re that someone wall slides exercise should be in your routine. The damage done by slouching our back when we sit in front of the scene can leave us with a rounded back and bad posture, this damage can be worsened by the neck, back, and shoulder pain so to undo this damage, wall slides can help you.

Wall slides can be used as a test to check the mobility of an athlete when the range of motion starts breaking down to an improper form. Wall slides are also known as scapular wall slides. It will target your quads, traps, calves, and shoulder. It’s a beginner-level exercise that will help you improve strength in said targeted muscles. Due to the movement and feet’ contact with the ground, it can also help you improve your body balance as well as posture. For the above-said reason, this exercise is also being used in various physical therapy programs.

How to do wall slides

It’s a beginner-level exercise very easy to do but when you pair this exercise with higher reps it can become difficult to perform each rep with proper movement so as a beginner you should stick to low reps.

  • Stand straight with your back against the wall and your feet should be planted at a shoulder-width gap.
  • Press your shoulder blades into the wall by bringing your arm up towards the ceiling.
  • The back of your hand should be against the wall while the thumb finger should be at the height of your head or just above your head. From elbow to shoulder, the line of the upper arm should be perpendicular to the floor.
  • Now inhale and slowly start to bend your knees and slide your back down the wall until your knees are at a 45-degree angle like you’re doing squat. Bending more than a 45-degree angle will put unnecessary pressure on your knees.
  • As your knees are at a 45-degree angle fully extend your arms straight upward until your elbow is straight.
  • Now hold that position for 4 to 6 seconds.
  • Now exhale as you straighten your knee by sliding your back up against the wall until your knees are fully straight like in a standing position and the elbow return to their starting position.
  • Do at least 5 to 7 reps.

Gradually increase the rep range as you start to get build better strength in your quads also with increased rep range you will feel fatigued in your deltoids, traps, and upper back. Please make sure to watch your back against the wall as the movement starts the back is the first place for mistakes to happen that can lead to improper form. If this exercise is difficult for you you can lower the intensity by placing your feet further away from the wall.

If you’re having difficulty bending your knees you can just focus on the upper part that can improve your shoulder mobility. If wall slides it is easy for you can increase its intensity by increasing rep & sets or you can spice it up by adding dumbells, or you can stand on an unstable surface.

Mistakes to avoid

Even though this exercise is easy to do there are some points to keep in mind that can help you perform this exercise with a proper form.

  • Form – As you start to gain strength in your quads you will also get familiar with the movements as we get good we tend to shift our focus and that can cause improper form. It might feel that exercise is getting easier but there is still a huge chance that it is because of bad form. So whenever performing this exercise remember to go slow and keep your form in check.
  • Bending of knees – When bending knees in this exercise it is important to make sure that you don’t go past a 45-degree angle because if you do you are putting your knees at risk because when you go past 45 degrees you put unnecessary pressure on your knees.

Benefits of wall slides

Doing wall slides will help you improve strength in your legs but if you’re someone who is suffering or having a hunched back with bad posture, wall slides can help you with straightening your back and improve your bad posture.

As it is easy to do, it can be done anywhere too unlike other exercises that require some equipment. To do this exercise all you need is just a good wall. It can be done anywhere it can be your office or your home.

Doing this exercise regularly will help you improve in your day-to-day activities such as climbing or descending stairs, or it can be anything as normal as walking. You’ll also notice an improvement in your mobility and increased range of motion.

Final words

As a beginner doing fewer reps and sets a day will be more than enough gradual progress and if at any point while doing wall slides you feel pain, stop. If you had any recent surgery get in touch with your doctor before making this exercise a part of your routine. Do add other home exercises to your routine to build overall strength such as jumping ropes, push-ups, etc.